Scarface: The World is Yours

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Scarface: The World is Yours review


Scarface, is back in town and lays havoc in this average action game


"In the spring of 1980 the port at Mariel Harbor, Cuba was opened, and thousands set sail for the United States. They came in search of the American Dream. One of them found it on the sun-washed avenues of Miami... wealth, power and passion beyond his wildest dreams. He was Tony Montana but the world will remember him by another name... Scarface"
-Scarface movie tag line

The World is Yours!

Welcome to the criminal underworld of Scarface: The World is Yours. Sierra and Vivendi Games have come together to bring us the cold-blooded story of the silver screen's most legendary drug boss Scarface in a cinematic epic that answers the great question, what IF Tony Montana survived the attack on his estate in the 1983 classic. Join us as we step into the shoes of criminal greatness and take back what is rightfully ours... the world.

Say hello to me little friend!

Scarface: The World is Yours starts off and the very end of the Scarface movie when Sosa, the nemesis of Scarface, sent in an army of thugs to take Tony out. Following an alternate storyline, the player immediately picks up the action as Tony screams those famous words and lobs a grenade through his office door. The firefight is intense, but it is almost like a tutorial with the occasional help window popping up and the fact that Tony is equipped with a M14 with an endless supply of ammo. As you wine your way through Tony's mansion, anyone who has seen the movie will immediately pick out familiar sights and items Tony owned in the movie, including a certain beloved Bengal Tiger. Eventually you make your way to your objective point and the story truly begins as does the game.

The game itself is an interesting mix of elements with a cinematic flair that makes you feel as if you were playing a movie. The story itself is extremely well written and could pass for a sequel to the movie, if Tony hadn't really met his end. In Scarface: The World is Yours, you will take the role of Tony and set out to reclaim your lost empire and exact revenge upon those who have wronged you, namely drug lords Sosa and Diaz.

The game elements are broken up into different sections: action, driving and business as well as a collection of mini games. The action/driving portions of the game are pretty self explanatory. Using a combination of run and gun or driving you complete plot driven missions that will allow you acquire certain assets that were lost when Sosa ran you out of town. This opens the business portion of the game. It is kept simple to make sure the focus is kept on the action of the unfolding plot and missions, but managing your empire does take some attention and care. You will acquire storefronts, contacts, and certain assets that will allow you distribute your "goods" and begin making your fortune back. Oftentimes this will require you to interact with a number of shady individuals through a mini game. The better you do on a mini game, the better the outcome of your transaction is. These mini games will cover everything from laundering money to selling your "goods" to your dealers on the streets.


Overall, the interface is functional, but that is about it. The game itself, even though reviewed on a PC, felt like a console game. The keyboard controls proved cumbersome at times and movement with a mouse&keyboard combination was interesting during combat encounters. A good gamepad will do wonders and go a long way to reduce the trivial aggravation derived simply from the act of driving.

Combat is fast and surprisingly smooth. When Tony opens up with a chosen weapon, you can choose to aim manually or use a lock on function. The lock on function helps to increase Tony's "Balls" meter and greatly increases accuracy in a firefight - however it is not a sure hit. Even though you are locked onto a target, the cross hairs of your weapon will still float around enough to force you to still put some effort into aiming manually. Changing from one target lock to another is fast and easy, but manual aiming does offer its own benefits, such as being able to spray automatic gunfire across a hall crowded with Sosa's men.

With a large variety of weapons to choose from and unlock, the combat will change according to your environment. Gunfire is commonplace, but there is plenty of opportunity to get up to someone's face and beat them into submission, which often ends with one of the participants in a puddle of their own blood.


fun score

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