XCOM: Enemy Unknown

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Best Strategy

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a thrill-inducing game in which players save Earth from an alien invasion, one turn at a time. The first time that we played XCOM we were practically in diapers but the 18 year old concept stands as proud today as it did all those years ago. Firaxis, respectful of the original games, re-imagined that concept bit by bit and making it their own. The result is a bar-raising Turn-Based Strategy game that not only reinvigorates the genre, but also offers the kind of nail biting experience normally only associated with shooters. A tribute to its predecessors and a genuine pleasure to play, XCOM: Enemy Unknown captured our hearts and challenged our minds making it Hooked Gamers’ game of the year.

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Runner Up

Civilization V: Gods and Kings

Civilization V: Gods & Kings

When Civilization V was released in 2010, many complained about the lack of religion and limited diplomatic options in engaging with other nations. Thankfully, Gods and Kings fixes those issues, and brings in plenty of improvements along with it. And while it doesn’t quite bring back the complexity of earlier titles, Gods and Kings is a solid addition to the Civ franchise.

Honorable Mention

Crusader Kings II

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King's Bounty: Warriors of the North

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Endless Space

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2012 in Review