After the disaster that was Jurassic Park: The Game, many wondered if Telltale could ever recover. But recover it did, bringing with it a horrifying and emotional tale of survival. As Lee Everett, your decisions affect the lives of everyone you meet, whether that be ending someone's life or handing out packets of food to your group members. Decisions have consequences, and it is impossible to consistently do the right thing. Those consequences stay with you long after the game has finished. The Walking Dead is a new benchmark for interactive storytelling, and - more importantly - a game that revitalizes the entire adventure genre.
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Scribblenauts is a unique game and it deserves more praise than we can lavish onto it her on these pages. The “draw your way out of the puzzle” concept translates remarkably well to PC and it has never looked better. As with the original DS versions, there is an amazing amount of content, allowing for an ever growing sense of creative freedom during your time with the game.