Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2

Best Role-Playing Game

Borderlands 2

All we wanted was more Borderlands, and that is exactly what Gearbox gave us with Borderlands 2. A new storyline, new enemies to fight and - most importantly - more guns to loot. The main villain was loved by some, hated by others, but one thing everyone can agree on is that the tried and tested method of shoot everything and pick up the spoils never gets old. There are all new characters with interesting skill trees to max out. Fans of the first game’s characters won’t be disappointed either, as all of the playable characters return to be a part of the story, and of course, Claptrap makes an appearance at every available opportunity.

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Runner Up



Arkane Studios have created a new IP of high quality that certainly deserves a sequel. You are transformed into Corvo, a stealthy, supernatural assassin on a quest to clear his name. An entire world has been created for you to play around in, and you will keep playing to find out where the story goes next. You can choose whether to sneak around, or whether to go in all guns blazing, and this customizability stretches to the outcomes of the missions themselves. Great gameplay, nicely stylised visuals and interesting characters make this game a must have.

Honorable Mention

Legend of Grimrock

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Torchlight II

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New IP







Most Disappointing

2012 in Review