Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3

Best Action Adventure

Far Cry 3

One of the year’s latest releases also turned out to be one of its best. Far Cry 3 brings the franchise back with a bang, with gorgeous visuals, great gameplay and a pretty decent storyline. As well as the main story missions, there are tons of side quests and activities to do, from hunting wildlife to climbing rickety radio towers to deactivate them. There are some fantastic characters to keep the story going, and once you get a taste of the fluid gameplay, you won’t want to stop playing.

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Runner Up

Spec Ops: The Line

Spec Ops: The Line

How do you compete against the juggernaut that is Call of Duty? Simple: By not trying to compete against Call of Duty. With a beautiful yet haunted Dubai as its setting, Spec Ops delves deep into the psyche of its main characters, leaving behind a powerful examination of PTSD and our society’s infatuation with both violence and war in its tragic, heartbreaking wake.

Honorable Mention

Sleeping Dogs

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Assassin's Creed III

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Hitman: Absolution

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New IP







Most Disappointing

2012 in Review