Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

by Jeff Gates
reviewed on PS3
Surviving the Aftermath (cntd)
In addition to mechs who rely solely on ranged combat there are essentially three types of enemies: a weak one with no real strengths, a large more powerful mech and a third which uses blasts of electricity for a ranged attack. Each of the mechs tests your skills as the game goes on when they begin using shields and nearby turrets as cover. Furthering the parity you will sometimes come across mechs that have flaws such as a core that is explosive and can be used to destroy multiple enemies.
The platforming mechanics in Enslaved are another similarity to Uncharted 2. Even though the movement from foothold to foothold is rather linear it’s a perfect fit and influences many fantastic action sequences. One of the most adrenaline filled moments takes place in the first few minutes of Enslaved. Shortly after a wing is destroyed by the ship smashing into the Statue of Liberty Monkey scrambles to scale the side of the behemoth craft before it collides with a deteriorating sky scraper in down town New York City.
Attractive Apocalypse
This may be the first time in the game you get to truly witness the wonderful visuals of Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. The world is in ruins and overrun with foliage and mechs. Character models are especially impressive. Those with a keen eye will notice the precise and well detailed reactions on faces during key points in cut-scenes which adds a great deal to the allure of Enslaved. The eyes really do the characters persona a great justice. Trip’s eyes are as beautiful as Monkey’s are determined. Though neither of them is the best looking character. Pigsy, an overweight rather disgusting five foot tall man that we meet mid-way through Enslaved is the best looking fat guy I have ever seen in a game.
It seems silly to point it out but in all honesty Pigsy’s model is overwhelmingly well done. His man breasts bounce and his jowls rattle as he speaks. While this may sound ridiculous I implore you to see it in action to truly be in awe of the power that Team Ninja got out of the Unreal Engine. His character honestly doesn’t even look like something a video game could produce. Overall this is one of the best looking titles on shelves today. Everything from the gritty rusted metal of the mechs to the concrete split apart by massive tree limbs pops out in shimmering glory.
Despite the occasional repetitiveness of the combat and platforming of Enslaved you will love this game. The action sequences, such as boss battles, are incredibly intense and will have your mouth agape. Whether you’re sprinting with Trip on your back and a 10 foot tall mech dog on your heels, chasing a house sized monster robot while flying just inches off the ground on your Cloud with structures collapsing around you or dodging a foe with boulders for arms Enslaved is what consoles were made for. It is pure fun. The fact that it has an engrossing and enjoyable story to go with it is the best bonus you could ask for. You will fall in love with these characters, through the success and devastation you will feel their pain and celebrate their triumphs.
If there were such thing as a gaming dictionary and you searched for “happily surprised” you would likely find a picture of Monkey kicking some huge mechanical monsters ass because Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is the dentition of the phrase. This game has been making its rounds in the community of late. However, it is far better than the press and recognition it has been receiving. Is this game a contender for best of the year? Not likely, though I feel it is on par with action titles like Uncharted 2. It deserves your full attention and is a must buy for anyone with a console and sixty dollars. The gameplay is great with some incredible sequences, a riveting story, stunning visuals and last but certainly not least three of the most memorable characters in recent history. Enslaved will hold you captive all the way to the stunning, unbelievable end.
fun score
Incredible story, action, & visuals. Great fun.
Slightly repetitive gameplay.