Half Life 2: Episode 1

Cheats, Tips & Walkthroughs
FAQs & Walkthroughs
Cheat Codes
Modify your existing [install directory]\episodic\cfg\config.cfg file (with Notepad) and change con_enable to "1" to enable the console. While you are there, check which key is bound to the toggleconsole command and press this button once you get into the game in order to access the console. The key is probably ['] (tilde). Once in the console, type sv_cheats 1 to enable cheat mode. Once cheat mode is enabled, the game will allow you to use the developer's official cheat codes and the debug menu (SHIFT + F1).
Code: | Result: |
sv_cheats 1 | Enable Cheat Mode |
sv_cheats 0 | Disable Cheat Mode |
ai_disable | Toggle Enemy AI |
buddha | Player Takes Damage But Won't Die |
god | God Mode |
hurtme # | Decrease Health by # |
impulse 101 | All Weapons and Ammo |
noclip | No Clipping Mode |
notarget | Invisibility |
ch_createairboat | Spawn Airboat |
ch_createjeep | Spawn Jeep |
mat_wireframe 1 | Wireframe Mode |
sv_noclipduringpause 1 | No Clipping During Pause |
sv_infinite_aux_power 1 | Unlimited Auxillary Power |
showtriggers 0 | Show Trigger Brushes |
Unlock All Chapters
Modify your [install directory]\episodic\cfg\config.cfg file (with Notepad) and change sv_unlockedchapters to "6".
Watch Your Head!
Objective: Make it to the bottom of the Citadel's main elevator shaft in one piece.
Objective: Contain the Citadel core.
Elevator Action
Objective: Survive long enough to get on the parking garage elevator.
Objective: Destroy the gunship in the hospital attic.
Escape From City 17
Objective: Escape City 17 with Alyx.
Live Bait
Objective: Help Alyx snipe 30 enemies in Episode One.
Citizen Escort
Objective: Don't let any citizens die when escorting them to the escape train.
Think Fast!
Objective: Kill an Elite Soldier with his own energy ball.
Car Crusher
Objective: Use the cars to squash 15 antlions in Episode One.
Objective: Contain the Citadel core without killing any stalkers.
Objective: Kill five enemies with the same energy ball.
The One Free Bullet
Objective: Finish the game firing exactly one bullet. Grenade, crowbar, rocket, and Gravity Gun kills are okay!
Objective: Use flares to light 15 zombies on fire.