
Cheats, Tips & Walkthroughs
Darwinia trainer
Invincible Units. Made exclusively for Cheat Happens. WRITTEN FOR THE ORIGINAL RETAIL VERSION OF THE GAME. May not work with all versions. Read the included readme file with Notepad for important instructions on using the trainer. This trainer features customizable hotkeys.
Darwinia cheats, cheat codes & hints
Unlock All Areas
Create a new profile called "AccessAllAreas" or you can add the following line to your preferences.txt file:
Unlock All Areas
Create a new profile called "AccessAllAreas" or you can add the following line to your preferences.txt file:
UserProfile = AccessAllAreas
Darwinia savegame
This savegame is right at the start with the maximum research in all available areas. Place the game.txt in a newly created user directory.