Batman: Arkham Knight's Batmobile is beautifully badass

As part of its E3 Press Conference, Sony released new gameplay footage of Batman: Arkham Knight, giving us our best look at the game yet. In many respects is looks like Batman: Arkham City but taken to a much grander scale. Most excitingly of all, this one features the Batmobile, making it sound like the most complete Batman gaming experience to date. These five minutes of footage give us a great look at the classic vehicle in action:

Disappointingly, Sony has stated that the PS4 version of the game will have exclusive "Scarecrow Nightmare Missions." It is likely that Scarecrow will still be in other versions of the game, given his importance to the story, but in what capacity it is not clear. These exclusive missions may turn out to be separate from the main story.

Either way, the footage looks excellent. It will launch in 2015.