Steam Recieves "Discovery" Update, Drastically Overhauls User Accessibility

Have you been on Steam in the last few hours? How about the store on Steam specifically? If so, you'll notice that there has been quite the overhaul. Yes, Valve has rolled out the Discovery update for their digital platform that has made the claim to be a much better alternative to the older layout for discovering more content beyond the old layout which was really only good for weekly and daily deals. If you haven't looked at it yet, here is a peek for you;

Steam Recieves 'Discovery' Update, Drastically Overhauls User Accessibility

The new setup allows users to easily take a look at ALL the deals of the week in a more convenient manner, sort games from highest rated and by release date, and of course a convenient function to look for games recommended or not. Sites and individuals that want to leave their opinion on games as well have a new 'curator' function in which it enables users to easily follow those that they trust. Though people are currently torn on the very very blue layout, it's been hard for anyone to argue against the new change. The Discovery update is something that should have been released sooner with how many games have spilled onto steam, but as the saying goes, it's better late than never.