Best Role-Playing Game
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

Best Role-Playing Game of 2013
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is by and large an incredibly surprising game. Neocore Games - a studio that has specialised in fantasy RTS games since its inception - decided to suddenly and inexplicably release an Action RPG. Stepping out of one's comfort zone like that is a daunting task for anyone but The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing hits the nail square on the head. Moreover, it is so good that it raises the question of why the studio has been doing anything else for all this time - and that is despite us loving their strategy games as well. Filled to the brim with humorous references, excellent story, addictive gameplay, superb production values and an artistic style that breathes refreshing air to the genre as a whole, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is our Role-Playing Game of the Year.
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Runners Up
State of Decay
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Expeditions: Conquistador
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Shadowrun Returns
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