The Division on PC to be graphically downgraded?

This story is based on a statement from an anonymous source, and so should only be taken as rumour at this time.

It seems like Ubisoft aren't out of the woods yet. Even after last week's furore surrounding the Watch_Dogs graphical downgrade, an employee at Ubisoft Massive has come forward to say the pressure is on to give The Division the same treatment.
Currently as it stands, there is definitely a lot of push coming from publishers to not make the experience so different on consoles as to alienate people into thinking that next generation is not as powerful as PC.

The anonymous source, in communications with WhatIfGaming, also writes that:
We already took out quite a lot of screen space reflections from the game ... it still looks good, but not as good as the original reveal.

I am sure as we get closer to launch ... it will start to seem all too obvious to people especially those on PCs. I just wanted to write and let you know that it definitely is not just stability but marketing politics plays into this a lot as well.
This is all still the shakiest of rumours, but we'll be keeping an eye on how things develop.