First Kickstarter to back another Kickstarter successful!

Elite: Reclamation is a Kickstarter project the goal of which was to get a novel written in the universe of another Kickstarter, Elite: Dangerous. And it succeeded.

Drew Wagar, the man behind the Kickstarter, is a familiar name to those who have read fanfic based in the Elite/Oolite universe. When the Kickstarter of Elite: Dangerous was updated to offer a pledge level for aspiring authors to write an official novel in the Elite universe, the author decided to upgrade from fanfic to official game tie-in noveldom. The project gained lots of press attention as the first Kickstarter to support another Kickstarter and many questioned the sanity of such an idea, but those who pledged to support the novel project obviously thought otherwise.

Today, the Kickstarter succeeded and Drew Wagar pledged the accumulated £4,500 to the Elite: Dangerous project, bringing that project over the 50% limit in its own quest for success.