More Info Revealed for Dishonored 2
Dishonored 2 released a cinematic trailer at Bethesda's E3 conference earlier this summer, which was met with great joy from fans. Since then, more news was given about the new Dishonored 2 from Arkane Studios. In regards to the trailer, the mission that was shown will be playable, and it's called "Clockwork Mansion", in which the objective is to "kill the grand inventor of Serkonos or find another way to eliminate him in his moving house".
Along with this, Arkane has enhanced enemy AI. Enemies will now perform organized searches in groups, as well as having increased situational awareness. For instance, if two grunts realize they are with an officer who has a ranged weapon, they understand that he should hang back and they should move forward. Enemies will also not search in areas already covered by other soldiers.
Corvo, the returning protagonist, will retain his old and familiar powers, like Devouring Swarm, Bend Time, Possession, and Blink. Though, Arkane has implemented a new asymmetrical upgrade system that will allow players to upgrade their powers in different ways. Arkane also plans to keep the features that allowed for experimentation with powers.
"When we put an element in the game, we don't put it in the game and attach it to something," Harvey Smith, Dishonored Director, says. "We make it general purpose work so you can attach it anywhere. The worst thing in the world would be if Blink had attach points. That would be the dumbest idea because it means you can only go if we want you to go. Of course it's better for the level designers, the producers, and the tech guys that think it's safer [if we took that approach]. For us, we say it is a power and it has a range. It's a squashed sphere, and you can shoot at a spot or empty air or a mantle climb icon or jump in midair and do it and the point is it's recombinant because it's general purpose."
Harvey went on to say that the game will look far more visually impressive than its predecessor.