Demo released for stealth-action game Ronin

For a little while, Tomasz Waclawek has been quietly working on RONIN - a 2D platformer which is best described as 'Gunpoint with a ninja'. With the release date next month fast approaching, publisher Devolver Digital have released a rare thing: a playable demo.

Available from the game's Steam page, the demo features three playable levels for you to slash your way through, and should run on almost any Windows, Mac, or Linux PC.

Demo released for stealth-action game Ronin

Ronin is stylish a turn-based action platformer following the exploits of a vengeful heroine determined to strike down five prominent figures of a powerful corporation. Move with precision by meticulously planning out each silent step, soaring leap, and devastating swing of your blade from the shadows as you seek your revenge.

Find out more on the official storefront. Alternatively, click here to install the demo via Steam.