A new expansion for The Talos Principle

It was hard enough to believe that the developers of Serious Sam managed to make a sci-fi puzzle game with philosophical overtones, let alone one that was generally well-received.

Now they've gone one step further, announcing an expansion for the excellent The Talos Principle, titled Road to Gehenna, which is a strong contender for dullest-sounding title of the year. Apparently it's a reference to something biblical, but so far Croteam and Devolver are keeping pretty tight-lipped about the actual contents of the add-on.

The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna will consist of 4 episodes, and will feature hard puzzles for experienced players who climbed the Tower and were left longing for more.

Our writers, Tom Jubert and Jonas Kyratzes, have taken on the task of showing you an entirely different side of Elohim’s world. Your journey to Gehenna will not only introduce you to new characters, but to a whole new society with its own history and philosophy.

The launch is currently pegged for this Spring, which means somewhere between now and the end of May, but they're not being any more specific than that for now.