Battlefield 4: Dragon's Teeth accidentally dated

In a flurry of overexcitement, whoever was running the @OriginInsider Twitter account looks to have made a bit of a slip-up.

Save 20% on #BF4 Premium right now, then jump into #DragonsTeeth early on July 15th

That tweet was swiftly replaced with the much more restrained:
Save 20% on #BF4 Premium right now, then jump into #DragonsTeeth 2 weeks early

If the original was indeed an accidental reveal, then BF4 Premium subscribers could be enjoying the Dragon's Teeth expansion in just over a week's time. By my amazing powers of deduction, that gives us a general release date of the 29th of July.

The expansion will include four new maps, as well as a ballistic shield item and 'Chain Link' - a new game mode.

Presumably, whoever was responsible for the original tweet has been taken outside and shot.