Croteam posts a Gamespy fix for Serious Sam 2

Does anyone remember Serious Sam 2? I certainly do.

I played through the entire Sam series with a friend a little over a year ago, and this one stood out as the game that didn't quite fit. It was fun, sure, but compared to the first two games, and even the recent Serious Sam 3, it felt very... early 2000s.

Croteam posts a Gamespy fix for Serious Sam 2
(It's also worth pointing out that the game is completely bonkers.)

Historical significance (or not) aside, Croteam have done the decent thing and given Sam 2 a fix to replace the now defunct Gamespy integration, as well as fixing a couple of graphics issues that have probably been causing sleepless nights for some poor coder since 2005.

It's a nice gesture, and I'm sure someone will be very happy about it.