Office Management 101 is shaping up nicely

Time to spotlight an indie game still in early development, with Office Management 101 by Estonian developers tulevik.EU.

An isometric-2D management game, current screenshots easily draw favourable comparisons with the seminal Theme Hospital, although hopefully they won't have the same annoying P.A. system shouting sardonically about every minor event.

Office Management 101 is shaping up nicely

OM101 will plonk you into the manager's chair of a consumer electronics company, letting you loose on everything from building the office itself and hiring staff, all the way to choosing how the company is run and what projects are worked on. Via the development blog, developer Riho Peterson also says:
The game will feature weird and humorous characters, corny jokes and some unexpected unlikely events happening while you're playing.

In addition to the staff that works on products, there will also be supporting staff like managers, human resources, accountants, lawyers, janitors etc. that might not be required, but still strongly suggested to keep the office working smoothly.

Office Management 101 is shaping up nicely

It's still very early in the development cycle, but you can keep up to date on the project with the development blog, or at the official website.