by Mark Barley
'Dead Space 3' gets a "Dev-Team Edition"
Visceral Games and EA have announced the Dead Space 3 Dev-Team Edition version of the game coming to the PC, PS3, and 360.
There will only be 5000 copies of the Dev-Team Edition distributed, so you'll have to get yours quick! Here's what you'll get:
- 13" SCAF tin crate
- 8" Ployresin Black Marker Statue
- Aluminum Data Pad
- Med Pack Water Bottle
- Bound SCAF Jotter
- 3 SCAF Posters
- 6 Peng Postcards
- 96 page mini artbook
- Copy of Dead Space 3
- DLC First Contact bundle (contains First Contact Suit and Negotiator weapon)
- DLC Witness the Truth bundle (contains the Witness the Truth suit and Evangelizer weapon)
The Dev-Team Edition will also be available at retail as an add-on if you don't want to purchase the pack with the game or vice versa.
Dead Space 3 is out next month.