Capcom announces 'Street Fighter x Mega Man' for PC

Capcom has announced that a new fan-made title, Street Fighter x Mega Man, will be getting a wide release for the PC, for free. It will be available later this month.

The title coincides with both franchise's 25th anniversary's;
“Our fans have been so supportive of the 25th Anniversary efforts on Street Fighter, that we wanted to provide one last surprise and token of our appreciation,” said Christian Svensson, SVP of Capcom USA.

“This game symbolizes the passion and dedication of our fans and with the 25th Anniversary of Mega Man coming up, we felt it was our duty to bring this wonderful experience to everyone who has shared the last 25 years with us and both of these celebrated franchises.”
Street Fighter x Mega Man was created by Seow Zong Hui from Singapore. The game will see Mega Man traversing through 8 unique Street Fighter levels fighting different bosses all in 8-bit glory.

The title will be available on December 17.

Via VG247