Peter Moore: "There is no feud" between EA & Valve

According to EA's COO Peter Moore, there is absolutely no feud between EA and Steam owner Valve.

Moore stated that EA, if you haven't forgotten, published Valve's Portal 2 and Left 4 Dead and went as far as to say the two have “always enjoyed that publishing relationship.”

Speaking recently with Eurogamer, Moore stated;
“There’s no feud.

“It’s Valve. Gabe’s a great friend of EA’s. We’re a great friend of his, we like to think.

“There are no conversations going on right now. I don’t know what their plans are right now. So, of course, we’ve had a great relationship from the publishing end, and I’d like to think they’ve enjoyed us publishing their content. I certainly think we’ve done a good job.”
However, Moore - speaking of Origin versus Steam - thinks that things are so black and white.
“They have different terms and conditions that they put on their games that don’t meet what we would like to do with our gamers. They insist on being a layer between the game developer and publisher and the consumer. They take a piece of the revenue stream. And they don’t allow us to go directly to the consumer to do patches and updates.

“So we just agree to disagree. It’s not a feud. They have their terms and conditions. We do. They don’t meet.”
Moore furthermore stated that the terms and conditions of Origin are non-negotiable and don't expect that to change any time soon.
“We’re very clear on what we want to do to be able to put a game on a platform and interact with the gamer,” said Moore. “The current terms and conditions of Steam don’t allow that. If they change to meet the contract with the gamer we set out to do, then of course things might change. But until then, nothing’s going to change.”
Here's hoping that some day the two streaming services will get along.