Minimum & Recommended PC Specs For Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Bethesda have released the minimum and recommended PC specifications for their upcoming title, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.


Operating System: Win XP/7/Vista (32 or 64 bit)
CPU: Dual Core 2Ghz
Memory: 2GB RAM
Video Card: DirectX9c video card w/ 512MB RAM


Operating System: Win XP/7
CPU: Quad-Core Intel/AMD CPU
Memory: 4GB RAM, 6GB Hard Drive Space
Sound: DirectX compatible sound card
Video Card: DirectX9 video card with 1GB memory. GTX 260/Radeon 4890 or higher

Skyrim is out on November 11 for the PS3, 360, and PC.

Can't wait!

Via Bethesda Blog