Diablo III Will Have An "Inferno" Difficulty Setting

Blizzard have confirmed that their upcoming title Diablo III will have a "Inferno" difficulty setting.

The game will also feature the regular Normal, Nightmare, and Hell modes but will now also feature an excruciating difficult Inferno setting that will likely have you pulling your hair out and wishing you'd gone to hell.

If you choose to play the game on the Inferno setting you will encounter exclusive content that can only be found in the most difficult setting. The game's director, Jay Wilson, speaking with Kotaku stated that your playable character will never be more powerful than all the enemies in the Inferno setting, meaning your playthrough will never be just another walk in the park. The level cap will be 60...but you'll still encounter enemies who are level 61.

How about them apples?

The beta for Diablo III kicks off next month.

Via MTV Multiplayer