Get A Taste Of Warhammer Online's New Features

Mythic has released some information on what you can expect from the upcoming MMORPG, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.

In their January Producer's Letter, the developer states that they have “plans for major features” with every patch they release for the game.
“The plans include expanding existing areas and features as well as new concepts to the Warhammer Online experience,” said producer James Casey.
The first patch for the game will focus on smaller fixes, such as bugs and such.
“The current structure of the Scenarios will remain unchanged, but the Scenarios themselves will be different,” Casey wrote. “Some scenarios stayed where they are, some changed what tiers they are available at, and some are gone and replaced by other classic scenarios.”

“We also have plans to expand our services and Account Entitlement offerings this year,” he continued. “This includes introducing paid name changes, more pets, and more ways to personalize your character.”
Via Massively