Favorite games: Resident Evil 4 Yakuza 3 Super Smash Bros Brawl SSFIV Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Fallout 3 Super Mario Galaxy Guitar Hero series Super Meat Boy Vanquish
Recent Articles and updates
- Gravity Rush - review, 11/07/2012
- Blades of Time - review, 28/03/2012
- Uncharted: Golden Abyss - review, 28/02/2012
- Street Fighter X Tekken - preview, 18/01/2012
- Resident Evil: Revelations - preview, 20/12/2011
- Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi - review, 07/11/2011
- Inversion - preview, 10/10/2011
- FIFA 12 - review, 07/10/2011
- Inazuma Eleven - review, 03/10/2011
- Skylanders Spyro's Adventure - preview, 28/08/2011
- Binary Domain - preview, 27/08/2011
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - preview, 26/08/2011
- Star Fox 64 3D - preview, 25/08/2011
- Kid Icarus: Uprising - preview, 23/08/2011
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier - preview, 22/08/2011
- Rayman Origins - preview, 19/08/2011
- Forza Motorsport 4 - preview, 12/08/2011
- Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D - review, 08/07/2011
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters - review, 13/04/2011
- Yakuza 4 - review, 28/03/2011
- First Picture Of Robin Released - news, 21/06/2011
- Patrice Desilets Finally Starts At THQ - news, 19/06/2011
- Interview: Pokemon4Japan - news, 14/04/2011
- University Students Play Pokemon For Charity - news, 12/04/2011
- Games Developers And Journalists Get Together To Support Japan - news, 04/04/2011
- Xperia Play Content Will Need To Be Repurchased - news, 16/02/2011
- EU Arcana Heart 3 Will Be Boxed Up - news, 16/02/2011
- Marvel Vs Capcom 3, first DLC pack announced - news, 15/02/2011
- Boy Spends 1,082 Pounds Of His Mother's Money On Xbox Live - news, 08/02/2011