Saints Row IV gets National Treasure Edition; includes all 29 DLC items

Saints Row IV has had a ton of DLC. And now players who bought each of the DLC packs individually are about to start kicking themselves.

Deep Silver has announced that Saints Row IV: National Treasure Edition. It will include a whopping 29 DLC items and content packs, including missions, weapons, costumes, vehicles, activities, super powers, and more. It will also include the Grass Roots 'Merica Gun.

It totals to more than $60 worth of content, but National Treasure Edition will be priced at $29.99. You can think of that as a dollar for each DLC pack, with the base game itself being free.

For those unaware of Saints Row IV, it's probably the only game where you can play as a super-powered President of the United States and shoot at aliens with a Dubstep Gun.

Saints Row IV: National Treasure Edition will launch on July 8.

Gamers should be aware that despite the edition's title, Nicholas Cage will not appear in the game in any way shape or form. It's disappointing news, to be sure, as his madcap acting style would fit the Saint's Row universe quite well.