Batman: Arkham Knight delayed to 2015

Rocksteady has announced that Batman: Arkham Knight has been delayed until 2015.

In an interview, Rocksteady's Guy Perkins stated, "We just want to make the best experience we possibly can and we need more time to do that. I think what we've shown so far is a super ambitious project and we just want to make sure we are giving Batman fans and gamers the best Batman experience that we can possibly deliver and that just takes time. I think we would be doing fans a disservice if we didn't spend the time on the title."

Honestly, if it means a better product in the end, a delay can be a good thing. Many players were disappointed by Arkham Origins (which was not developed by Rocksteady). It is entirely possible that a few more months of development would have improved the game.

Given the massive success of the Arkham franchise, Arkham Knight will make tons of money no matter how good it ends up being. Rocksteady could churn out a lazy product, and still make a massive profit. But it sounds like they're embracing the ambition of this latest project, and genuinely trying their best to make Arkham Knight live up to the hype. Here's hoping the game ends up as good as we all want it to be.

Rocksteady also released a new video featuring the Batmobile's "battle mode," almost as a consolation prize, although it will probably make the wait seem that much worse:

I have to wonder what Batman would do if accidentally killed someone with all that firepower.