New Thief trailer gives us our best look at the game yet

Eidos Montreal has released a new 6-minute long trailer for Thief. It gives us a better look at a gameplay and the atmosphere of the game:

I especially appreciate how the trailer hints that the game will indeed feature supernatural terrors, something the developers have henceforth kept hidden. The first three games were surprisingly creepy; zombies, witches, ghosts, and steampunk monstrosities were a big part of their DNA. Games like Amnesia: The Dark Descent owe Thief a lot. I'm glad that this aspect of the series will return.

Thief is the fourth game in its franchise. (Thank goodness it isn't called Thi4f.) The original three games (Thief: The Dark Project, Thief: The Metal Age, and Thief: Deadly Shadows) were all truly excellent titles that, for me, defined the stealth action genre. Last year's excellent Dishonored perfectly captured Thief's gameplay style, so its no wonder that the new Thief looks so much like it.

The game will be released February 28 for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.