Jane Austen MMO successfully kickstarted

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a work of fiction in possession of a fan base must be in want of a video game adaptation.

With countless films, television shows, and graphic novels being adapted into video games, it's a wonder there aren't more video games based on works of classic literature.

In waltzes Ever, Jane: an MMO based on the works of regency romance author Jane Austen. It was successfully Kickstarted, raising $109,563 of a requested $100,000.

In Ever, Jane, the brutal social norms of Regency England are dutifully recreated. Instead of fighting with swords and axes, players fight with gossip and reputation, while trying to raise their own social status. There are traditional RPG stats such as strength, dexterity, and intelligence, as well as personality traits. Players will have to decide, for example, which their character values more: happiness, or duty? Such choices with have a profound impact on how society views them.

The game is being developed by 3 Turn Productions, headed by Judy L. Tyrer. Tyer was previously a Lead Engineer at Sony Online Entertainment. She also worked on Second Life as the Senior Engineering Manager at Linden Labs.

A prototype version has been released on Dropbox, and should remain free for another two weeks or so.