The Legend of Lobodestroyo wrestles with Kickstarter

The Legend of Lobodestroyo Vs. La Liga De Los Villanos is currently trying to get funding on Kickstarter.

The 3D action platformer casts players as Mutt, runt of a wolf pack that follows Lobodestroyo, protector and guardian of Costa Lucha. One day, Mutt discovers that his pack has disappeared and La Liga de Los Villanos has escaped. Naturally, Mutt puts on the magical belt of his pack and goes off to take the villains down.

Developer Lefthanded Games claims that the game is heavily inspired by Banjo-Kazooie, with boss battles and themed worlds reminiscent of MegaMan.

If funded, the game will be released for PC, Mac, Linux, Ouya and Wii U. If it meets its stretch goal of $39,000, it will be ported to the PS4, and at $42,000, the game will also come out for the Xbox One.

It currently has raised $13,859, with 8 days to meet a minimum goal of $35,000.