Five Nights At Freddy's 3 Teased

Move over Call of Duty and all of the annual sports titles out there, it looks like you have some serious competition in terms of who can push a game out the fastest. Scott Cawthorn, the man behind the well received horror title Five Night's At Freddy's and the sequel Five Night's at Freddy's 2 recently released an ominous teaser image. With the words reading "I am still here." coupled with a dark image of the animatronic bear that many of come to fear, this was dropped right at the beginning of 2015. While no official date has been confirmed yet, fans have a third game in the horror series to look forward to.

Several questions are springing up among fans and foes of the game alike, many centered around what will change for better or worse this time around. While Five Nights At Freddy's 2 had more content than the original, it left some displeased with some of the changes and lack of new content outside of a few new things. The pace of which these games are coming out guarantees that there won't be anything drastically changed in the third one, not unless the release date is someone more than a year from now once it's revealed.