PC Release For Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Imminent
With 2015 about to draw to a close, almost all big name releases for the year have either gotten out the door or are about to head out just in time to give last-minute shoppers another item to worry about. Or, for gamers and people shopping for gamers, another item they can get from the comfort of home without having to worry about trampling anyone. Such is the case for the release of the PC version of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, the prequel chapter to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. On December 18th, players can take on the role of Big Boss as he works to infiltrate a military site in Cuba in an operation that sets the stage for the events we will see in The Phantom Pain next year. Though no price has been listed yet, it's safe to assume it will be $19.99 after the price cut to bring all versions down to the same price earlier this year. Below is the launch trailer from earlier this year, as of yet there is no new trailer for the launch of the PC version. Fair warning, there are spoilers in regards to the end of Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker contained in this trailer.