English Versions of TGS Metal Gear Solid V Trailers Released
Well the Tokyo Game Show for 2014 has come and gone, in a few short days developers once more had press and fans salivating and jumping for joy as more and more information for various games pouring out. While most of the games were console exclusives, I kept a rather close eye on Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain which was revealed in August to be coming to PC along with the prologue chapter Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. While everyone was expecting a new feature length trailer and an exact release date, what we got instead were two small trailers featuring new characters in the series as well as the first gameplay of a new region in the game.
The trailers are worth a second look days later, as they take on a very different life with their english voice actors in place; Hideo Kojima, series creator, is one of few japanese developers who tend to go above and beyond with finding the perfect voices to fit the roles and that is another thing that has elevated the series to the status it has received over the years. Even so, fans were and are still divided over Kojima's decision to replace David Hayter who played the voices of two out of three main characters of the series with Kiefer Sutherland, who is known best for his role as Jack Bauer in the television series 24. Kiefer Sutherland also does the facial motion capture for Big Boss this time around as well, a technology not going squandered as all characters are getting the treatment from various mocap artists to help facial expressions become much more natural and meaningful.
There are those like me who think that Big Boss needed a voice to differentiate his voice from Solid Snake and find that Sutherland fits the bill, then there are David Hayter loyalists (affectionately calling themselves Hayters) that feel that despite the decline in quality of his voicework in Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker, he should remain Big Boss. Here are the two newest trailers, now with the english voiceover work of Kiefer Sutherland (Big Boss), Robert Atkin Downes (Kazuhira Miller), and the man of a million voices Troy Baker (Revolver Ocelot). Also posted with them will be the other trailers featuring the english voiceactors. What are your thoughts on the performances of those revealed so far? What are your thoughts on the game in general?
Quiet But Not Silent- Tokyo Game Show 2014
Diamond Dog- Tokyo Game Show 2014
Nuclear Trailer- E3 2014
Sins Of The Father Trailer- E3 2013
Not Your Kind Of People Trailer- GDC 2013