Is The PC Version Of Grand Theft Auto V Closer Than Expected?
Tight lipped is mostly an understatement in regards to the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V. Other than recent confirmation that it would still be coming this fall, and a brief news blip about the soundtrack being updated, almost nothing has been mentioned further about the PC version. That is of course, until recently.
According to SteamDB, players have recently been testing the much awaited title. Which if trends are anything to go by, about the time that play tests are underway a release date is soon enough to be confirmed. One thing is for certain, this is as much a welcome piece of information as much as it is the fuel for speculation. With the current chart available, it's revealed that two people have been play testing for no more than a couple hours a day at most with Saturday, September 6th being the current peak. Also notable was the recent change to the Steam page for the game where it was changed from "Coming Soon" to "Coming Fall 2014". Well, Fall is about to be upon us officially in just a couple short weeks... now we only need to wait for an actual release date.