Hacker Havok

This weekend was a rough one for many gamers out there in the online world. Blizzard Entertainment's Battlenet Application, several games owned by Sony Online Entertainment, and the ever popular League of Legends by Riot Games were all targets of an organized DDoS attack by a group proclaiming themselves to be 'Lizard Squad'. During a span of roughly 18 hours gamers found themselves having difficulty or being completely unable to play the games they love because of the cyber attack. Blizzard customers in particular suffered the most due to the fact that the group specifically targeted the Battlnet Application which is responsible for controlling and launching four of Blizzard's most successful titles; World of Warcraft, Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, and Hearthstone.

Perhaps more troubling than the cyber attack itself is that the group also claims responsibility for a bomb threat made against Sony Online Entertainment President John Smedley's flight which forced his plane to be diverted and checked for explosives upon landing at another airport. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is now involved and with the combination of the DDoS attacks and bomb threat are taking this situation very seriously. Hacking alone is a very serious offense, and bomb threats are never taken lightly. As of Monday, the attacks seemed to have stopped but users and the companies are both wary and alert.

Hacker Havok