Digital Downloads Account For 92% Of Game Sales On PC
An analyst from DFC Intelligence has revealed that in 2013, game sales on PC were dominated not by physical retail sales of games but rather their digital download counterparts. Specifically, 92% of game sales on the PC last year were digital. They did not reveal however the statistics of which digital distributor made the most sales, though Gamestop did say recently that rather than worrying about digital sales that they are embracing them. Will this become a bigger trend as far as PC gaming goes? Will more and more retailers begin offering a digital sale option?
The chances of that currently may be moderate, as people are settled into long standing programs such as Valve's Steam service and EA's Origin, but it is not entirely out of the question. The reasons for digital sales spiking so high are numerous. From the factor of convenience to be able to buy and play a game without leaving the home to the frequent and numerous sales often offered by digital distributors there are plenty of reasons that digital sales are skyrocketting in the PC market. Critics of this news worry that this is the beginning of the end for physical game sales in the PC world, and while it's too early to say for certain if this trend continues it may very well come to a point where physical sales are comprised only of special collector's editions because those may be the only forms of physical sales that would remain to be profitable for developers and publishers.