Meanwhile, On The Homefront...

In 2011, in the midst of a declining financial situation, publisher THQ and developer Kaos Studios released and ambitious title Homefront an FPS that unfortunately did not quite live up to the role that it wanted to in gaming. While it wanted to be essentially a game version of Red Dawn, about all it managed to do was be a short lived mildly entertaining experience for most gamers out there. The gameplay lacked the uniqueness it needed to stand out, and the story while enjoyable itself, had far too little narrative impact in the story to make it an FPS memorable for the story alone. It was no surprise to anyone when Battlefield 3 released later that year, that Homefront faded away into obscurity.

When THQ finally met a sad fate and also faded into obscurity, several series they owned were sold off thankfully saving them from dying off as well. Now, in 2014, Deep Silver and Crytek Nottingham have revealed a trailer to give players a look at the new sequel; Homefront: The Revolution. It certainly is night and day when comparing the two...

If you played the original, then you can tell that this sequel looks quite different from what it originally was. Most notably, the fact it has now taken a very futuristic approach. Here is the launch trailer for the original Homefront, as a comparison.

Homefront: The Revolution is expected to release sometime in 2015 on PCs and consoles.