Minimum Announced By Atari
Atari has announced the development of Minimum, a multiplayer title with a minimalistic environment that is to focus on team based combat, crafting, and letting two large robots duke it out for the advantage on the battlefield. While not much information is currently available for the title, Atari CEO Fred Chesnais said the following.
"Since its founding, Atari has been at the forefront of making creative and engaging games that resonate with the gaming community, Minimum continues on this track by offering unique third-person combat gameplay combined with depth of blueprint crafting that will allow players to compete against each other for hours on end using a multitude of weapons."
The title is expected to drop onto Steam's Early Access program sometime this Spring. It certainly is a unique looking game in terms of art style, but will it be enough to begin healing Atari's recent woes in the industry? As many readers may know, the company has suffered greatly in the past few years due to a range of business decisions that lead them down a path towards chapter eleven bankruptcy just last year. Such setbacks include the mixed reception, and forced sale of Champions Online; the MMORPG set in a super-hero universe which also included selling the development studio responsible for the project, Cryptic Studios.
It's also important to note that this is not an entirely original project, but rather one that was abandoned by TimeGate Studios and picked up by Atari themselves.