Favorite games: Broken Sword Command and Conquer: Red Alert Age of Empires II Grand Theft Auto Tekken Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Monkey Island Baldur's Gate I and II Planescape Torment Icewind Dale I and II
Recent Articles and updates
- Weird West - review, 11/04/2022
- AereA - review, 07/06/2017
- Four Last Things - review, 21/02/2017
- Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach - review, 05/02/2017
- Her Majesty's Spiffing - review, 10/01/2017
- Candle - review, 07/12/2016
- Super Dungeon Bros - review, 30/11/2016
- Super Rad Raygun - review, 10/11/2016
- Lichtspeer - review, 10/10/2016
- Hue - review, 16/09/2016
- Let Them Come - preview, 06/09/2016
- State of Mind - preview, 04/09/2016
- GWENT: The Witcher Card Game - preview, 02/09/2016
- Demons Age - preview, 01/09/2016
- Worms WMD - review, 01/09/2016
- The Long Journey Home - preview, 31/08/2016
- Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun - preview, 28/08/2016
- Styx: Shards of Darkness - preview, 23/08/2016
- The Surge - preview, 22/08/2016
- Blackwood Crossing - preview, 21/08/2016