In Other Waters Kickstarter campaign launched
If you are looking for a reminder why the PC is the most interesting and creative platform for gaming, then be sure to have a look at In Other Waters.
I’ve been playing an early build of the game for a couple of days now. The best way I managed to describe this creative piece of playable art for my upcoming preview is “an old-fashioned text adventure with a visual interface”. I know, I know, it could be clearer. In Other Waters’ creator describes his game a bit better:
“Casting the player as an Operator AI, tasked with guiding Ellery Vas as she explores the planet-spanning ocean of Gliese 677Cc, In Other Waters is structured around an ever-growing, tactile interface. Through this unique mode of interaction players will chart underwater courses, scan environments for vital clues, and navigate this unearthly ocean.”
That covers the load well, story wise, but hardly does the game justice. The In Other Waters Kickstarter page launched earlier today and it does a much better job. Check it out and circle back here for a short preview later this week.