by Ben Petchey
Fallout 4 has a cover system you probably didn't know about
You would think 20 hours of play time in any game would be enough time to learn the ins and outs of all the systems it includes. You thought wrong.
Fallout 4 is a game where the player can switch between third and first person. Simple enough, right? The core gameplay mechanic is shooting, but there is one mechanic that wasn't explained. A cover system. I discovered there was a cover system when being attacked by Raiders. Hiding behind a wall, my gun drew down and when I tried to aim, my weapon popped out from the cover allowing me to shoot, whilst retaining maximum safety behind said wall.
Taken aback by my discovery, I took to the Internet to check if what I just encountered was the radiation getting to my head, or a genuine mechanic within the game. Sure enough, it was a mechanic. In fact, Reddit user ChiefALeef had posted a step by step tutorial in the PS4 subreddit.
1. Find where you want shoot in cover from.

2. Move towards it until you see your weapon draw down.

3. Hold the aim button and your gun will pop from cover, allowing you to shoot safely. Once you let go of the aim button you will return back into cover.

It's a simple cover system that draws similarities with the same mechanic in Bioshock Infinite. The game never bothers to explain this in detail, but it adds a new level of gameplay into Fallout. The days of taking bullets until the enemy Raider's head explodes are over.